Diatomit ?

Diatomite is a natural mineral that is typically used for industrial purposes.
The high porosity and lightweight structure of diatomite allow for a wide range of applications, from agriculture to the food and beverage industry. Additionally, diatomite is used in deodorants, filters, insulation materials, and even some cosmetic products.

Physical Properties

Color: White
Hardness: 1.5-2
Melting Point: 1400-1650°C
Streak Color: White
Luster: Dull Earthy
Transparency: Opaque
Solubility: Insoluble in acids. Soluble in strong alkalies.
Density: 2.19 g/cm3
pH (10% solution): Generally in the range of 9-9.5, with a typical result of around 9.47.
Surface area and porosity (BET): 24.20 m2/g
Moisture content of material in the oven: in the range of 30-40%.

Element          Diatomit

SiO2                  85.98

AI2O3                2.96

Fe2O3                2.28

MgO                   0.44

CaO                    1.05

Na2O                 0.27

K2O                    0.63

TiO2                   0.13

LOI6.25        Total99.99