
What is Jasper?

Jasper is a natural stone found in red, green, brown, and yellow colors in nature. The type found in our mine in Afyon is called 'Red Jasper'. Jasper, a decorative natural stone, has been used since ancient times. Today, Jasper is widely used in the jewelry and accessory industry due to its unique appearance and alleged benefits.
Its name comes from the Greek word 'iaspis' which means 'spotted stone'. Jasper is also a well-known healing stone among enthusiasts. While it is used as an accessory for its aesthetic appearance, its benefits are not limited to that.
It can help you calm down with its soothing energy when you feel stressed.
Jasper is a cryptocrystalline type of silica called chalcedony. This stone has a hexagonal crystal system, and its chemical formula is SiO2. It is not pure and has a non-transparent smooth structure.